3-Star · ARC · Library

[ARC Review] – Unwritten

Hello Guys! I have been so excited yesterday when I was walking back to my Library that I found a letter from Jolly Fish Press that my request to read the ARC of Unwritten has been approved at Net Galley! Man, I am doing my madness dancing too to show how excited I was! Now here is my review! Enjoy it 😉


Title: Unwritten
Author: Tara Gilboy
Publisher: Jolly Fish Press
Summary: Twelve-year-old Gracie Freeman is living a normal life, but she is haunted by the fact that she is actually a character from a story, an unpublished fairy tale she’s never read. When she was a baby, her parents learned that she was supposed to die in the story, and with the help of a magic book, took her out of the story, and into the outside world, where she could be safe. But Gracie longs to know what the story says about her. Despite her mother’s warnings, Gracie seeks out the story’s author, setting in motion a chain of events that draws herself, her mother, and other former storybook characters back into the forgotten tale. Inside the story, Gracie struggles to navigate the blurred boundary between who she really is and the surprising things the author wrote about her. As the story moves toward its deadly climax, Gracie realizes she’ll have to face a dark truth and figure out her own fairy tale ending. Continue reading “[ARC Review] – Unwritten”